Company Report :
Harvey Norman Holdings
7081 Global Business
Lecturer: Dr Susan Freeman
Armand Lemoine
James Wohlers
Param Ramanan
Tas Barmada
Executive Summary
This report
aims to analyse the business activities of listed Australian durable goods
retailer Harvey Norman International Holdings (HNH). In particular, HNH’s
efforts developing its overseas enterprises in countries including Slovenia,
Singapore, Malaysia and Ireland between 1999 and 2006 are examined in terms of
shareholder wealth creation.
Over a twenty
year period commencing in the mid to late 1980’s, HNH has developed a
significant domestic durable goods retail business across the eastern and
southern seaboard of Australia. Constructing large department style
superstores, located in both metropolitan and regional areas, HNH has created a
substantial bricks and mortar retail empire. With a unique business model that
encompasses franchising specialised market categories and segments within its
superstores, HNH has created wealth through developing cash flows from both
wholesale margins and rental income. The premium added to the location as a
destination store increased real estate values further adding value to HNH
asset base.
Constrained by
a mature and saturated domestic market HNH initiated overseas expansion plans
in the late 1990’s and achieved overseas store openings in the early 2000’s.
Particular locations targeted included New Zealand, ASEAN countries including
Singapore and Malaysia and European Union Countries including Slovenia, Croatia
and Ireland.
Analysis of HNH
overseas expansion strategy, execution and outcomes was undertaken to
understand the path taken, the challenges presented and overcome and the net
result in terms of shareholder wealth creation. While HNH founder and current
Chairman, Gerry Harvey, can be lauded for both decades of success in domestic
markets and an entrepreneurial risk taking capability, research indicated two
substantial changes have occurred in western economies which require serious
consideration for future expansion.
A global
financial crisis, initiated in 2007, and not yet fully resolved to this day has
placed consumer spending under pressure, especially debt fuelled investment
such as house construction and the complimentary supporting industries including
household goods. Secondly, the rapidly emergent trend of direct business to
customer online retail requires a serious reevaluation of the bricks and mortar
department store model.
recommendations include greater allocation of capital to online retailing in
both the domestic and overseas markets. Further initiatives suggested include
targeting rapidly industrialising countries with large populations, rising per
capita GDP and close proximity to both Australia and product suppliers, notably
China, Indonesia, South Korea and Taiwan.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
This report
aims to analyse the business activities of listed Australian durable goods
retailer Harvey Norman International Holdings (HNH). In particular, HNH’s
efforts developing its overseas enterprises in countries including Slovenia,
Singapore, Malaysia and Ireland between 1999 and 2006 are examined in terms of
shareholder wealth creation.
In the context
of Global Business, themes explored include globalisation theory, regional
economic integration, cultural implications of business operations in the chosen
country and strategic considerations.
international commerce issues and risks are examined including foreign currency
transactions and exchange rates, supply chain management, infrastructure and
institutional integrity, geography and transport.
HNH strategy is
analysed in terms of its effectiveness based on identified competitive
advantages of its business model in contrast with the comparative advantage of
doing business in Slovenia. The success of HNH’s approach is summarised with
relevant insights and conclusions. Emergent dominant trends for the durable
goods retail sector are identified along with their likely effects on HNH
enterprise and recommendations made regarding future possible strategies.
2. Harvey Norman Holdings
Harvey Norman Holdings Limited (HNH) overarching shareholder
wealth creation strategy comprises establishing and maintaining profit streams
from retail sales, property lease operations and capital appreciation from
retail and commercial property development. Acquiring prime sites, constructing
multi channel retail superstores, HNH creates and operates destination retail
outlets for consumer durables including whitegoods, home furnishings, computing
and electronic devices, flooring and bedding. ( 2012)
Individual franchisees in each of these segments operate
within the superstore and HNH bears no operational effort ( 2012). HNH derives revenue streams from percentage of sales of
wholesale goods to franchisees, lease payments on premises and trading profits
on real estate development. In return HNH leverages volume buying power for
many stores to secure goods for franchisees at competitive prices and performs
advertising and promotional activities nationally developing store traffic,
brand awareness and consumer loyalty. Particular value creating and risk
management strategies of HNH include requiring suppliers to bear the working
capital cost of inventory and ensuring stock lines turnover rapidly to avoid
holdings of slow moving or discounted product.
As at 31 December 2009, there were 195 franchised complexes throughout
Australia trading under 3 brand names: Harvey Norman (166 complexes), Domayne
(15 complexes) and Joyce Mayne (14 complexes). The retail offering in offshore
markets has rapidly expanded over the past few years and there are 70
company-owned stores located in New Zealand (31 stores), Republic of Ireland
(14 stores), Northern Ireland (2 stores), Singapore (14 stores), Malaysia (6 stores)
and Slovenia (3 stores) ( 2012).
2.1 Background
HNH stamped its dominance as Australia’s
leading retailer in computers foremost and closely followed by electrical and furniture
segments during the 1990’s through a strategy of combining three key
departments in large super stores. Observed in America by founder Gerry Harvey,
and adapted to suit Australian consumers (Anon 2012). A distinct difference was
to tone down the glamour of the super store with less “bells and whistles” such
as in store live entertainment, while attractive to American consumers, had
less appeal to Australians. HNH positioned itself at the value end of the
retail segment, delivering a huge range in one store, gave the consumer an
overwhelming feeling of choice and created an image of the market leader in
technology. Convenience enjoyed by the consumer was coupled with the benefit of
interest free terms or Flexi rent, quick delivery and assurance of full
warranty and after sale service.
Growth HNH achieved can be attributed to several
factors. An ability to saturate the market with store locations throughout
Australia including regional areas ignored by competitors Myer and David Jones,
enabled market share to expand rapidly ( 2012). Capital
required to achieve this was provided by the sales boom of computers during the
1990s (Anon 2012) and backed by funds from a stock exchange listing in 1987 enabled
superstore construction in areas supported by sufficient population. Smaller
stores opened in regional centres such as Mildura while acquisition of
competitors such as Joyce Mayne in 1998, followed by Clive
Peters and Rick Hart stores provided existing customer bases in key
locations ( 2012).
Continued growth and success into the 2000’s
may have led HNH management to develop an invincible attitude that led to expansion
in wider scopes of retailing from toys, nursery products and sporting goods
with mixed results ( 2012). Rebel Sport, acquired in 2001 for $16.1
million (Anon 2012) was sold fourteen months later for $12.9 million,
illustrating the fundamental dangers of moving away from core competencies and
the limitations a company of any size can have when it fails to research the
2.2 Key Milestones
Harvey and Ian Norman sell their stake in the Norman Ross retail chain and set
up a new store under the Harvey Norman name.
Norman goes public on the Australian Stock Exchange.
Norman launches a computer superstore.
company opens its first store in New Zealand.
The Joyce
Mayne furniture and appliance chain and Archie Martin Vox stores are
joint-venture to enter the Singapore market is founded.
company acquires the Electric City chain and rebrands all Singapore stores as
Harvey Norman; majority control of Rebel Sport retail chain is gained.
company's first store in Slovenia opens.
Norman opens its first store in Malaysia and first two stores in Ireland.
2.3 Pressure to Expand
Financial and retail analysts question whether HNH is a
retailer or a property investor, as total investment in real estate is $2.1
billion, a significant proportion of shareholder equity. Unlike competitor JB
Hi-Fi, HNH, for the most part, avoided major shopping centres such as Westfield
and Centro, developing their own sites instead. Success of HNH superstores
attracted other complimentary retailers, enhancing the yield on the property
investment and avoided the punitive location leases and charges levied by major
shopping centre operators. HNH founder, Gerry Harvey’s comment
encapsulates the relentless shareholder pressure behind the drive to expand the
“Ten years ago,
he says, after spending $20 million to build an outlet in Australia, it would
be valued at between $25 million and $30 million on completion and making $1 million to $1.5
million a year in profit. Today, that
story has changed. If we do a $20 million build, it will be valued for $17
million and make nothing to $500,000 a year.” ( 9 Jan
Using a wholly owned subsidiary entry
strategy for overseas expansion, HNH underwent an internationalisation process
(Dowling 2009), exporting their unique intellectual property comprising
knowledge of durable goods retailing and commercial property development and
applied these to global markets. To succeed, this model relies on both local
knowledge and favourable preconditions in the host region as merchandising and
sale of goods to consumers feature little in the way of barriers to entry as
protection from competition. Measured against Dunnings OLI Model (Dunning
1980), HNH can be perceived as having ownership advantages however the means by
which to test the strength of this is to enter a market and measure the
2.4 International Business
Analysis of HNH Annual Reports (HNH 1999-2012) indicates
little in the way of strategic planning in terms of an expansion strategy
beyond an identified need to attempt it. In this same period, the phenomena of globalisation
and internationalisation of business is likely to have been at its greatest in
modern history (Bernstein 2004) hence it is surprising why HNH appears not to
have adopted lessons either from the experience of other multinationals nor the
numerous academic studies available. By example, expansion into the country of
Slovenia anecdotally appears to have been selected as HNH founder, Gerry Harvey,
had an existing relationship with whitegoods manufacturer Gorenje indicative of
the use of a network and relational assets by proxy in support of the expansion
strategy (Dowling et. al. 2009).
Macroeconomic analysis of Slovenia, comparison with other HNH target
destinations and discussion follows to understand what conditions were present
and key factors contributed to HNH’s results. ( 2012)
3. Country Analysis
Within the last decade, HNH’s
global expansion has incorporated forays into countries in the Australia New
Zealand economic free trade area, two ASEAN countries and the European Union.
New Zealand
Economic Bloc
European Union
ANZ Free Trade region
European Union
Total Population
~ 2 Million
~ 4.3 Million
~29 Million
~5.3 Million
~4.6 Million
Per Capita GDP
$28,800 USD
$28,000 USD
$16,200 USD
$59,700 USD
$42,900 USD
Gini income coefficient
~$55 Billion
~ $122 Billion
~460 Billion
~ $315 Billion
~E159 Billion
Political Ideology
Benevolent Dictatorship
( 2012)
3.1 Slovenia
Democratically governed and majority Roman Catholic (58%), the
majority of the population is ethnic Slovenian (83%) with other minority groups
comprising small percentages of Serbians, Croatians, Bosnians and other Eastern
European nationalities (
2012). Australia is similarly multi cultural. Joining the European Union in
2004 the Euro was adopted as Slovenia’s currency January 2007. During March
2004, Slovenia transitioned from borrower status to a donor partner with the
World Bank indicating its achievement in economic management. The real growth
rate of Slovenia as of 2001 was -0.2% with an unemployment rate of approx 11.8%
The industry composition of the GDP is Services 70.6%, Manufacturing 26.7% and Agriculture
2.6%. ( 2012).
Interestingly, Slovenia placed
restrictions on foreign direct investment to aid in managing inflation, fearing
locally owned assets would be accumulated by foreigners. ( 2012).
This has the effect of curtailing Slovenia’s economy, retarding economic growth
and decreasing the disposable income of citizens, factors to be considered when
contemplating investment in a country.
Analysis of HNH’s Slovenian expansion
strategy provides a useful case study of what can go right or wrong when
Australian enterprises diversify into international markets. Consider Porters
Diamond (Porter 1990), traditionally employed to explain the determinants of national
competitive advantage, this can also be used as an analytic tool to understand
how firms may develop entry and competition strategies in those markets.
Characteristics specific to HNH are detailed in the following table:
Factor Endowments
Demand Conditions
Firm Strategy
Related and Supporting Industries
Part of European Union 2004 onwards
Proximity to Western European Countries eg
Italy, Austria and exposure to “duty free tourist shoppers”
Recovering from war late 1990’s
Foreign direct investment.
Continental Europe export
Jet to let foreign property
investors driving up real estate prices
New Zealand
Close physical and cultural proximity
to Australia
Common language
Similar culture
ANZ Free Trade Agreement
Common VISA
Economic development in line with
mature, developed western economies
Foreign direct investment / local
Easy credit availability
House building boom
Common Language
Historical Connection
Some cultural proximity to Australia
Growth boom in 2000’s fuelled by
economic policies. Characterised as a “Celtic Tiger”
Wholly owned subsidiary/local
Easy credit availability
House building boom
Loose credit conditions
Large multinational FDI in high
value add industries creating strong demand conditions & inbound
Close proximity to Australia
Relatively young demographic
High growth emerging economy
characterised as an “ Asian Tiger”
Extension of the Singapore
Emerging high value manufacturing
Close Proximity to Australia
Transport advantages
High growth emerging economy
characterised as an “ Asian Tiger”
Well managed economy
Joint venture with local partner
then takeover of existing Pertama retail chain.
Global transport hub
Government encouraged FDI in a wide
range of high value industries
Proximity to Slovenian beach head
Proximity to EU
Recovering from war late 1990’s
Economic growth.
Wholly owned subsidiary
Transport and manufacturing.
A useful heuristic
tool is analysis of both competitors and other businesses that have succeeded
internationally. By observation of competitors, it can be seen if consideration
was being given to expansion into HNH’s target markets and by asking why or why
not, significant insight could be gained. Similarly, observation and analysis
of other multinationals in related industries that have succeeded would likely
have provided lessons that reduce risk and increase the probability of success.
Expansion of US coffee retailer Starbucks into the Chinese market (Dowling et.
al. 2009 pp89-90), exemplifies the risks of directly transplanting the home
market business model without regard for cultural sensitivities.
Target Market Selection Strategy
recognised as a trading hub for household items between Central and Southern
Europe ( 2012) was potentially chosen by HNH for its
location advantages (Dunning 1980). Additionally, economic, cultural and
political conditions were estimated as conducive to success.
a rising middle class and rising house prices (Hall 2008), HNH entered
Slovenia, constructing its first superstore in Ljubljana in 2002 (
2012) as a foreign direct investment. Perhaps influenced by its connections
with Slovenian whitegoods supplier Gorenje, HNH perceived an opportunity
overlooked by many of the larger European and British retail chains such as
Curry’s in the UK but seemed to underestimate the emergent effects of global
ecommerce retailers including Ebay and Amazon to deliver similar offerings to
worldwide consumers at even cheaper prices. Particularly damaging to HNH in
Australia has been online competitor Kogan Technologies, (
2012) significantly impacting sales of flat screen televisions.
achieved a first mover advantage in Slovenia which allowed them to progress down
the experience curve (Dowling 2009 pp370-371) ahead of future competition
however this does not enable a sustainable long term advantage. Educating consumers to new technology and
western lifestyle becomes a pioneering cost for the first mover. Without a
distinct competitive advantage however, this benefit disappears over time as
competitors, observing HNH success, are attracted to the market and HNH
remaining advantage is underpinned by brand awareness and customer loyalty,
both of which are vulnerable to price competition in a competitive market. While
HNH does not appear to have followed formal international expansion models,
their approach in Slovenia could possibly be described along the lines of a
defacto Uppsala model (Johanson and Vahlne, 1977), testing target markets by
constructing one store at a time and learning over time.
of entry risks and rewards may have been considered by HNH, waiting three years
to open a second store in Slovenia and taking ten years to reach five stores. Slow
entry has hampered profits and growth, allowed local retailers to improve and potentially
opened the door for another major retailer to enter. However it also enabled
lessons to be learnt at lower cost and allowed HNH to enter Irish and
Singaporean markets simultaneously as not all capital was committed to one
location, providing the benefit of regional diversification.
Operational Strategy
implementation strategy sent expatriate Australian managers to initiate
superstore start up and train local hires for ongoing operations. Interestingly,
with Slovenia’s population of approximately two million, even if HNH was able
to monopolise the chosen market segments, the total market potential was at
best, modest, the capital and managerial effort needed to achieve this may have
been better spent elsewhere. It can be speculated that Slovenian expansion may
have been part of a larger European strategy. It is possible HNH could have
more easily entered a mature market, identifying and acquiring an existing
chain with a failing business model and affected a turnaround using the in
house HNH expertise.
entering a new country without an exclusive product find there is pressure for
local responsiveness (Dowling et. al. 2009 pp374-375). Anecdotally, HNH appears
to have initially misread customer tastes and preferences in Slovenia; “a large glamorous superstore was constructed
in Ljubljana and stocked with expensive double door fridges. Most Slovenians
live in small apartments in what was a war damaged city, preferring and
affording only small fridges.” (Anon
2012). Eventually, catering for low cost and sensible sized products HNH better
met local consumer needs which were far different to the Australian customer
ultimately evolving their strategy to a localisation strategy as Dowling
describes (Dowling et. al. 2009 p379). As HNH don’t manufacture but source
products both locally and globally, cost pressure is addressed by increasing
the business size to achieve volume buying power. HNH initial marketing efforts
for their store and products was also revamped to better appeal to consumers,
unaware of the HARVEY NORMAN brand, unlike the Australian consumer, bombarded
for decades with advertising.
basic items yield small margins and results from Slovenia have been modest to
date. (ref ) It does not appear HNH
performed any market research to indicate if potential customers would travel
from Italy or Austria to purchase goods cheaper in Slovenia. A quick glance at
any European map indicates the challenge of travelling across the Alps to
undertake this journey. If HNH had long term expansion plans to continually
replicate across both European and ASEAN market regions, these have been
curtailed by both the global financial crisis from 2007 onwards and the
phenomenon of internet retailing reaching a rapid growth phase.
5. Summary and Conclusions
HNH created and operated a successful, workable
business model in Australia suited to local conditions, culture and
circumstances over a twenty year period. Overall, HNH domestic success can be
partially attributed to its model as a navigable framework to deliver consumer
value in its chosen enterprise and partly along the lines of the phrase; “a
rising tide lifts all boats”. In other words, the general economic environment in
the period 1991 to 2007 was rewarding for many businesses with a robust model
and aggressive expansion strategy. The global financial crisis from 2007
onwards has exposed flaws and weaknesses in both models and management teams of
many organizations and industries. In HNH’s case, the rise of online ecommerce
has proven particularly troublesome in the local market, with discount competitors
eroding HNH’s sales and profitability in consumer electronics, computers and
audiovisual product segments ( 2012). With a relatively low
barrier to entry, it is likely more online competitors will emerge worldwide.
Attempts to transplant HNH’s model overseas have
been met with much more volatile results. Some or all of the key success
factors that were enablers for Australian operations were absent or different
in the chosen international markets. Additionally, much of the available wisdom
and research body of knowledge for international business strategy and
operations does not appear to feature in HNH’s expansion planning.
The particular case of Slovenia highlights some
of the fundamental issues. While HNH is reporting overseas enterprises are
profitable, it is not possible to determine at what opportunity cost in terms
of management effort and shareholder capital. It has taken over a decade to
bring these businesses to maturity.
HNH had an opportunity to learn from its own
success. Operations in New Zealand were quite successful on most measures.
Distilling the key success factors from this effort including, proximity to
home market, similarities in language and culture, minimal exchange rate delta,
low worldwide interest rates, and disinflation in durable goods. The broader
international strategy was much riskier, incorporated expansion into different
cultures, religions, time zones, world hemispheres, geographies, demographics
and currencies. Further, this was undertaken in an adhoc and scattered approach
resulting in a lack of focus and stretching limited managerial resources.
It is recommended to the board that future expansion
strategies are focussed with particular emphasis on the following macroeconomic
characteristics in any target market.
1. Large absolute population size and
high population densities in large cities.
2. Rising middle class with a young
3. Evidence of rapid industrialisation
within the host country.
4. Rising per capita Gross Domestic
5. Evidence of political and legal
infrastructure supportive of capitalist ideology and norms.
6. Ease of doing business and foreign
direct investment.
7. Well developed telecommunications
infrastructure and internet connectivity.
8. Evidence of a consumer propensity to
purchase goods online.
9. Well developed transport
infrastructure across all modes.
South Korea
Total Population
~ 22 Million
~1.2 Billion
~237.4 Million
~ 50 Million
~23 Million
Per Capita GDP (2011)
$69,000 USD
$8,400 USD
$4700 USD
$32,400 USD
$19,900 USD
Gini income coefficient
GDP Growth Rate
Political Ideology
Communist Ideology with Capitalist Features
Relative economic conditions in
potential overseas expansion locations ( 2012)
These recommendations are made as minimum
requirements for a fertile business environment that will provide the context
for application of the business model with maximum use of existing expertise
(Bernstein 2004). A rapidly expanding, large consumer class is likely to
provide years of expansion potential despite the entry of many competitors as
demand conditions are high but market development and sophistication is low.
Rising real estate values are supportive of the build, own, operate model for
the superstores however the online retailing model requires consideration.
Additionally, expanding markets provide the opportunity to make and recover
from strategic or tactical errors without jeopardising the entire business.
Operationally, HNH should strongly consider the
effects of technological change and how consumers of tomorrow are likely to satisfy
their needs and wants. There is an undeniable shift toward purchasing many
goods online which may undermine HNH’s existing property development strategy.
The structural cost advantages possessed by online only retailers must be
countered with an intensely attractive reason for consumers to travel to stores
and pay a premium for the experience. Alternatively, HNH could redeploy future
investment into online only retailing, jettisoning the property development and
reinforcing the business model where it has identified strengths.
While the window to achieve first mover advantage
in optimal markets may have passed, there is likely many years of growth ahead
if the market maturity model is considered (Dowling et. al. 2009). Potential
markets to consider include China, Indonesia, South Korea and Taiwan. These
have the additional potential benefit of being supplier countries thus reducing
logistics overhead. Issues to consider include adaptability of expatriate
managers, mentors, teachers or trainers to local customs and mores. This is
particularly true in Asian nations where personal relationships predominate in
business success and this may be addressed by choosing Australian educated foreign
nationals for key roles.
6. References
Bernstein W.J, 2004, The birth of plenty: How the
prosperity of the modern world was created. McGraw Hill Companies 2 Penn
Plaza New York NY. United States of America.
Dowling, P, Leisch, P, Gray, S, Hill, W, 2009, International Business Asia Pacific Edition McGraw Hill Australia
Pty Ltd. 82 Waterloo Rd North Ryde NSW 2113.
Johanson , J
Vahlne, J.E, 1977 The Internationalisation process of the firm: A model of
knowledge development and increasing foreign market commitment. Journal of
International Business Studies 8(1): 23-32.
Hall, L, 2008 Buying Property In
Eastern Europe: The essential guide to purchasing property in 13 countries,
from the Baltic to the Balkans. How To Books Ltd. Spring Hill House
Begbroke Oxford OX5 1RX. United Kingdom. viewed 3 Oct 2012.
viewed 24 November 2012. viewed 24
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viewed 24 November 2012. Why Harvey Norman Should
be broken up or sold. Viewed 24 November 2012. Fraser G. The AGE online 14/03/2012 viewed 25 November 2012.
viewed 25 November 2012. viewed 25 November
Gerry Harvey admits Slovenia is quite a risk
By Richard
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